List Of Most Popular Business Analysis Techniques
  • TechinautApril 20, 2022
  • Business AnalysisBusiness Analysis Techniques

List Of Most Popular Business Analysis Techniques

There are several techniques for business analysis. Among them are PESTEL, SWOT, MosCow, and UML. However, not all techniques are equally effective. Read on to learn more about these techniques and find out which one suits your needs the best. Also, keep in mind that some techniques require specific knowledge or experience.


PESTEL analysis helps businesses understand their customers, competitors, and society. Understanding these factors allows a company to plan for the future and prepare for changes. It can also position itself better against competitors. This technique is also useful in predicting trends so that a company can make informed decisions. It is often used in conjunction with SWOT analysis.

PESTLE is a framework that consists of six broad areas. Each area contains factors specific to a business, industry, or location. However, PESTLE is subject to the 'garbage in, garbage out rule, so collecting as much information as possible is important.


There are many different business analysis techniques. Using the correct one for the right task can be challenging. Many techniques are akin to an art form in and of themselves. Some techniques are used for one purpose and may not be suitable for another. For example, document analysis is a type of business analysis technique that involves examining the contents of documents. This method allows a business analyst to determine if the information in the documents reflects what the company is looking for. Another technique is the entity relationship diagram, which displays the relationships between attributes and entities. This tool is especially useful when trying to understand a complex problem.

SCRS is an acronym for strategy, current state, requirements, and solution. It requires different members of the organisation to provide their opinions and goals and helps identify if they're aligned with the company's priorities. This technique helps determine which tasks are most important to the business and how to prioritise them.


There are numerous business analysis techniques available for different stages of the process. It is crucial to choose the most relevant one for the specific stage and to take real-life context into account before selecting a technique. For example, the Boston Box is useful in assessing the products and services of an organisation and its potential market share and growth prospects. Similarly, the PESTLE Analysis is useful for identifying the organisation's external environment and sources of change.

MOST analysis is a structured business analysis technique that involves the whole working level of an organisation. It helps in ensuring that the organisation focuses on its mission, which is crucial for its success. Another popular business analysis technique is business process modelling, which is about improving an existing business process. It is also used in the development of a new product or service.


A UML diagram is a diagram that describes the different states that a component has within a system. These diagrams take their name because, like real machines, they represent several states that change depending on what is happening in a system. This type of diagram is often used to describe the software's functionality.

Another common technique is a wireframe or a mock-up. This tool is useful because it allows a business analyst to visually illustrate the functionality of a product or service. It also provides a place to fix problems or clarify functionality. It can also be used to validate functional requirements.

Activity diagrams are another popular business analysis technique. They depict the workflow and identify the tasks that are being performed. They often have a start and stop point and show which parties are responsible for which tasks. They also show whether tasks are performed in parallel or sequentially. They also describe the relationships between tasks and other objects.


Brainstorming is a group process that encourages new ideas about a problem. The process involves participants expressing all their ideas, and the more ideas there are, the better. The objective of the process is to find the most effective solution to a problem. Typically, the brainstorming process is used to identify issues that hold a group back or are causing a delay in development.

Brainstorming meetings should be small, with a maximum number of six participants. While a larger group may provide more information, waiting for someone to speak can be time-consuming and annoying. In addition, it is important to determine how many meetings will be held and the assessment criteria for the group. It is also important to determine the license for facilitating brainstorming sessions.

Business Analysis
Divyanshu Sharma

Founder and CEO, Techinaut

“ There are several techniques to assess the efficiency of an organization's processes. Business process modeling, for example, identifies gaps in existing business processes and future business requirements. The technique is commonly used in the IT sector, and the output is displayed as a sequential workflow diagram showing the process, decisions, and information flow.“